Monday, October 13, 2008

I Movie and Inspiration

Last week was great because we got to do a lot of hands-on work. Monday we looked at I Movie and got to make our own movie. This was really fun. I had always thought this would be something I could never use. It was very intimidating and I did not think I had the skills to work with it. Once I got to mess around with it on my own and not worry about messing it up I really enjoyed it. There were so many ways to customize my own movie and it was not difficult at all. I could see me using it again, especially since it was so easy.

We also used Inspiration to make a web. I wanted to use similar information as my webquest to see our similar information can be displayed. This would be a wonderful tool for students to use to demonstrate their knowledge instead of filling out a sheet. I also like the order and organization.

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